Compliance Policy Statement

(Last Updated: 2021-12-07 15:32)

ProfEx LLC is committed to fully complying with applicable laws and regulations to conduct our business activities. This policy has been established to describe our approach to compliance.

It is applicable to all Business Units of the company and the employees.

Our principles
In terms of compliance, The Company:
- Fully complies with applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to the areas concerning prevention of bribery, anti-corruption, conflict of interest, competition, environmental protection, discrimination, employment, occupational safety and health, data privacy and intellectual property rights.
- Adopts a zero-tolerance approach for behaviour that may involve breaches of legislation, especially those that expose our businesses to criminal risks.
- Fosters a corporate culture of compliance through maintaining a sound internal control system, regular pieces of training and clear communications.
- Implements a Whistleblowing Policy and Supporting Procedures which encourages our employees to raise concerns about any suspected misconduct or malpractice to the Group.
- Conducts compliance risk analysis on a regular basis. Formulate action plans if applicable.
- Assesses compliance on a regular basis to ensure relevant obligations are appropriate and valid.

This policy will be reviewed and updated from time to time with the latest version posted on the website.
In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the English and the other versions of this policy, the English version shall prevail.

Compliance Policy Statement