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Assistant to Service Manager
Wayland Armenia
26 Jul 2024
Mental Health Programme Coordinator
Douleurs Sans Frontières
26 Jul 2024
Grand Candy
25 Jul 2024
Grand Candy
25 Jul 2024
Consultant for Reviewing and Updating the National OSH Profile, Armenia
International Labour Organization
24 Jul 2024
Բժշկական Ներկայացուցիչ
23 Jul 2024
Gender Specialist
Strategic Development Agency
23 Jul 2024
Data Systems Specialist
Chemonics International Inc
23 Jul 2024
Children of Armenia Charitable Fund
22 Jul 2024
English Teacher in China
ETGA s.r.o
22 Jul 2024
Ցանցային Վաճառքի Համակարգող
Երևանի Գարեջուր
22 Jul 2024
Adolescent Development and Participation Officer
22 Jul 2024
Արցախից Բռնի Տեղահանված, Կոտայքի Մարզում Բնակություն Հաստատած Անձանց Կարի Արտադրության Ոլորտի «Դերձակ» Մասնագիտությամբ Կարճաժամկետ Դասընթացի Կազմակերպման և Անցկացման Մրցույթ
Հայկական բարեգործական ընդհանուր միություն (ՀԲԸՄ)
22 Jul 2024
Արցախից Բռնի Տեղահանված Անձանց Աշխատաշուկայում Մրցունակությանն Ուղղված Փափուկ (soft) Հմտությունների Զարգացման Ծառայությունների Մատուցման Մրցույթ
Հայկական բարեգործական ընդհանուր միություն (ՀԲԸՄ)
22 Jul 2024
Արցախից Բռնի Տեղահանված Անձանց Մասնագիտական Ուսուցման և Վերապատրաստման, Որակավորման Նախապատրաստման Դասընթացների Կազմակերպման և Անցկացման Ծառայությունների Մրցույթ
Հայկական Բարեգործական Ընդհանուր Միություն (ՀԲԸՄ)
22 Jul 2024
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Officer
Democracy International
22 Jul 2024
M&E Focal Point to MLSA for Coordinating M&E Structural Units
Democracy International
18 Jun 2024
Solicitation for a Cooperating Country National Personal Service Contractor (CCNPSC) for the FSN-09 Acquisition and Assistance (A&A) Assistant (under the Local Compensation Plan)
USAID Armenia
22 Jul 2024
Provision of Legal English Instructors for the Brown Mosten Summer Camp - USAID/Armenia Justice Sector Support Project
Development Professionals Inc.
22 Jul 2024
19 Jul 2024
Teller/ Lunch Cover
19 Jul 2024
Tumanyan Shaurma
19 Jul 2024
Deputy Director
RSM International
19 Jul 2024
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for "Katapult Creative Accelerator Program"
AGBU Armenia
19 Jul 2024
Finance Officer
Austrian Development Agency
19 Jul 2024
Research Capacity Building For Civil Society Organisations Project
Democracy International
18 Jul 2024
Կոմերցիոն Բաժնի Պետի Տեղակալ
Երևանի Գարեջուր
18 Jul 2024
U.S. Embassy Yerevan
17 Jul 2024
Durable Housing Technical Lead
Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA)
18 Jul 2024
Արտաքին Տնտեսական Կապերի Գծով Մասնագետ
Երևանի Գարեջուր
17 Jul 2024
System Engineer Level I / II
MONT Armenia
17 Jul 2024
Specialist(s) on Asbestos Screening
UNDP Armenia Office
17 Jul 2024
Evaluator for the Project "Leadership Academy Armenia"
Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation /Armenian Branch/
17 Jul 2024
Փաստաթղթավարման Մասնագետ
Երևանի Գարեջուր
17 Jul 2024
Call for Resumes, Roster USAID South Caucasus Regional Water Management Program
Armenian Branch of Deloitte Consulting Overseas Program
18 Jun 2024
Ռեզյումեների Ներկայացման Հայտարարություն
Armenian Branch of Deloitte Consulting Overseas Program
18 Jun 2024
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Yerevan
16 Jul 2024
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Yerevan
16 Jul 2024
Support Center Specialist
16 Jul 2024
Technical Support Specialist/ Programmer
16 Jul 2024
RFA for Armenian Community-based Organizations (CBOs)
Counterpart International Inc. Armenian Rep. Office
16 Jul 2024
Auto Loan Officer
16 Jul 2024
16 Jul 2024
16 Jul 2024
Loan Officer
16 Jul 2024
Պայմանագրային Ապահովման Բաժնի Ավագ Մասնագետ
16 Jul 2024
SME Lending Chief Specialist
16 Jul 2024
Operational Risk Management Senior Specialist
16 Jul 2024
SME Lending Senior Specialist
16 Jul 2024
Technical Monitoring Specialist
16 Jul 2024
Leasing Services Specialist
16 Jul 2024
Mobile App Product Owner
16 Jul 2024
Financial Analyst
15 Jul 2024
Ջրօգտագործողների Ընկերությունների Դերի/ Ներուժի Տարածաշրջանային Գնահատման Վերաբերյալ Իրավասու Կազմակերպությունների Կողմից Հայտերի Ներկայացման Հրավեր (ՀՆՀ)
Հարավային Կովկասի տարածաշրջանային Ջրային Ռեսուրսների Կառավարման Ծրագիր (ՀԿՋՌԿ)
15 Jul 2024
RFA-Grants Competition for Regional Assessment of Role/Potential of Water Users Associations
USAID South Caucasus Regional Water Management Program (SCRWM)
15 Jul 2024
Բժշկական Ներկայացուցիչ
Giga Farm
15 Jul 2024
Communications Officer, AO
British Embassy Yerevan
15 Jul 2024
Tetra Tech ES, Inc. Branch in Armenia
15 Jul 2024
Senior Finance Manager for EU Funded Two Projects
Austrian Development Agency
15 Jul 2024
Գրասենյակի Համակագող
Armenian Spiritual Revival Foundation
15 Jul 2024
Junior Programme Associate (50%)
Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Armenian Branch
15 Jul 2024
Wine Tour Guide
Tushpa Wine Cellar
12 Jul 2024
Market Development Manager
Tushpa Wine Cellar
12 Jul 2024
Annual Program Statement (APS) for the Award of Grants
South Caucasus Regional Water Management Program (SCRWM)
12 Jun 2024
South Caucasus Regional Water Management Program (SCRWM)
12 Jun 2024
Customer Service Quality Management Specialist
12 Jul 2024
Provision of Services to Enhance the Accessibility Features of the Republic of Armenia Justice Academy Website
Development Professionals Inc.
10 Jul 2024
Individual Fundraising Officer
WWF Armenia
08 Jul 2024
Դեբիտորական Պարտքերի Հաշվառման Բաժնի Հաշվապահ
04 Jul 2024
Administrative Specialist
Huawei Technologies Armenia
03 Jul 2024
Senior Auditor
Baker Tilly Armenia
02 Jul 2024
Card Product Senior Specialist
02 Jul 2024
Manager Analyst
02 Jul 2024
Սպասարկման Մասնագետ
01 Jul 2024
Զանգերի Կենտրոնի Մասնագետ
01 Jul 2024
Grand Candy
01 Jul 2024
Content Manager of Marketplaces
28 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024
Exploration and Design of Solar Air Heaters with a Focus on Their Technical and Financial Applicability for Rural Armenia
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
20 Nov 2023
Exploration and Design of Solar Air Heaters with a Focus on Their Technical and Financial Applicability for Rural Armenia
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Company: The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Duration: Period of assignment: from December, 2023 until May, 2024.
Deadline: 11 December 2023, 17:00


Call for Proposals


The "Management of natural resources and safeguarding of ecosystem services for sustainable rural development in the South Caucasus” (ECOserve) Environment Programme implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) is part of the wider German support in the priority area “Environmental policy, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in the South Caucasus". The objective of ECOserve Programme Armenia is to improve the preconditions for sustainable and biodiversity-friendly management of natural resources (particularly pastures and grasslands) in Armenia, with particular focus on the energy security of the rural population. ECOserve is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH jointly with the partner Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, Ministry of Environment, and Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia.

This assignment/ task is a part of the EU co-financed “EU4Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Armenian Communities” Project within the framework of “ECOserve” programme, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The Project objective is to provide the communities and households with better access to energy efficiency and sustainable energy solutions, thereby contributing to the improved energy security of the rural population and the conservation of natural resources. More information about the project can be obtained in a project leaflet.

Tasks to be performed by the contractor
The objective of this study is to explore the different models of Solar Air Heaters and offer the most suitable and applicable models of SAHs for Armenia. The study should include research, prototyping, practical testing, calculations, and drawing of the SAH models, which should be cost-effective, highly efficient, and easy to manufacture. Based on the results and suggestions of the study, the best options for SAHs can be considered for piloting in the rural areas of Armenia.
The consultant should complete the following tasks for the assignment.

Task 1.
Conduct research (desk study based on local and international experiences) to pre-select the most suitable models of SAHs for further exploration, considering the local market and the use of recyclable and reusable items or products as raw materials for manufacturing. Based on the results of the research, select, and suggest two models out of which one can be selected for (a) self-manufacturing (do it yourself/DIY) and (b) the second model as a market product. Prepare a short technical report on the main findings of the research and justify the selection of the two models for testing (report up to 8 pages).

Task 2.
Develop a methodology for testing the solar air heaters and organize a series of testing for the two selected models along with technical improvements with the aim to reach the highest efficiency of SAH, considering the possible lowest price of manufacturing and the use of recyclable/reusable materials (e.g., pop cans, metal net, furniture, and glass remnants etc.) for the first model and marketability for the second model. Possible additional features such as indoor air temperature and CO2 concentration controllers among others should also be considered. After the improvements re-testing is necessary. The main parameters, which should be addressed are efficiency, difference between inlet and outlet air temperatures, dehumidifying coefficient, indoor air quality considering PMs (Particulate Matters), TVOCs (Total Volatile Organic Compounds), dust, noise level, air flow velocity and others, which may affect indoor microclimate, as well as human health. In total, the testing processes may include up to two improvements of models as well as retesting, based on necessity. A working discussion should be organized with ECOserve Armenia staff, as well as other specialists and stakeholders in the field to present the main findings from the initial research and the selection criteria of SAHs for further testing as well as the testing methodology, before starting actual testing. Prepare a short technical report on the testing methodology, as well as the testing process, and the test results (report up to 20 pages).

Task 3.
Based on the results of the testing, develop the drawings of the final models of SAHs and the list of costs for the required materials (those available in the local market for making a solar air heater), as well as the technical details for the materials to be used for manufacturing, including the ones related to air quality and health issues (type of paints, glues, etc.). Develop a thorough manual for DIY model with assembling and installation steps, as well as a video script. Conduct Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of the applicability of solar air heaters, calculations of energy savings, and GHG emission reductions comparing with the use of different energy sources.

Task 4.
Prepare a comprehensive report of implemented activities based on the reports delivered for Task 1 to Task 3 and present to GIZ ECOserve responsible adviser (up to 30 pages) excluding calculations and details of tests, which can be presented as Annexes. The report should also include a list of technical and policy recommendations including recommendations on how to promote scaling up effects for learning and innovation. Based on the feedback received from GIZ ECOserve responsible adviser revise the report as necessary.

Task 5.
Prepare and conduct a short working presentation on the process and results of the study covering Task 1 to Task 4 for GIZ ECOserve team Armenia in cooperation with the responsible adviser of ECOserve program.

Task 6.
Prepare a short report/Policy Brief up to 4-6 pages in the Armenian and English languages presenting the main findings of the study, the applicability of such devices in the Armenian context, and a list of policy recommendations as mentioned in Task 4.
Task 7. In close coordination with GIZ ECOserve staff, organize a closing workshop for partners and stakeholders, aimed at presenting and discussing the results of the study including the results of the tests, the designed final products, the results of the CBA, the applicability for the Armenian context, and the policy recommendations.

Results and work schedule can be found in the below attached ToR file.
- The contractor manages costs and expenditures, accounting processes and invoicing in line with the requirements of GIZ.
- The Contractor shall report to GIZ. All the activities and technical issues should be closely coordinated and agreed beforehand. GIZ will provide the company with all the available information and materials in relevant areas as well as with necessary background and technical information upon request. The Contractor will be responsible for planning assignment-related meetings and the timely delivery of the agreed deliverables. All the documents shall be delivered electronically in the Armenian language, if possible, in the English language to GIZ, using the official reporting format, which will be provided by GIZ.

In the tender, the tenderer is required to show how the objectives defined in Chapter 2
(Tasks to be performed) are to be achieved, if applicable under consideration of further
method-related requirements (technical-methodological concept). In addition, the tenderer must describe the project management system for service provision.
Note: The numbers in parentheses correspond to the lines of the technical assessment grid.
Technical-methodological concept
Strategy (1.1): The tenderer is required to consider the tasks to be performed with reference to the objectives of the services put out to tender (see Chapter 1 Context) (1.1.1). Following this, the tenderer presents and justifies the explicit strategy with which it intends to provide the services for which it is responsible (see Chapter 2 Tasks to be performed) (1.1.2).
The tenderer is required to present the actors relevant for the services for which it is
responsible and describe the cooperation (1.2) with them. The tenderer is required to describe the key processes for the services for which it is responsible and create an operational plan or schedule (1.4.1) that describes how the services according to Chapter 2 (Tasks to be performed by the contractor) are to be provided. In particular, the tenderer is required to describe the necessary work steps.

Project management of the contractor (1.6)
The tenderer is required to draw up a personnel assignment plan (1.6.2) with explanatory notes that list all the experts proposed in the tender; the plan includes information on assignment dates (duration and expert months) and locations of the individual members of the team complete with the allocation of work steps as set out in the schedule.

Personnel concept
The tenderer is required to provide personnel who are suited to filling the positions
described, on the basis of their CVs (see Chapter 6), the range of tasks involved and the
required qualifications. The below-specified qualifications represent the requirements to reach the maximum number of points in the technical assessment.


Team leader
Tasks of the team leader
- Overall responsibility for the consultancy package of the contractor (strategy and
processes, schedule and timeline, quality);
- Coordinating and ensuring communication with GIZ, cooperation actors, and others
involved in the measure;
- Planning and steering the Tasks mentioned in Chapter 2 and working closely with the
a local expert in conducting Tasks 1 - 7;
- Regular reporting to GIZ in accordance with deadlines;
- Preparation of the final comprehensive report and Policy Brief;
- Organizing workshops, presentations on the progress of tasks and findings of the

Qualifications of the team leader
- Education/ training (2.1.1): university degree (MSc/PhD) in energy/renewable energy,
energy engineering or other related field;
- Language (2.1.2): B2-level language proficiency in the English Language, C2 proficiency level in the Armenian language;
- Specific professional experience (2.1.4): 5 years in the field of management for relevant
renewable energy-related projects/measures in Armenia and/or the region;
- Leadership/ management experience (2.1.5): 2 years of management/leadership
experience as a project team leader or a manager in a company;
- Regional experience (2.1.6): regional experience (South Caucasus) in relevant projects is of high asset.

Key expert 1 (Thermal Energy Specialist with experience in energy engineering
related to air heating systems and ventilation)

Tasks of key expert 1
The expert should coordinate closely with the Team Leader in carrying out the Tasks 1-7.
- Conduct research (including local and international experience) on solar air heaters
(SAH) and their usability;
- Select more suitable models of SAHs for further testing and improvement;
- Develop a methodology of testing and organize series of tests, including improvements of the selected models;
- Develop final drawings of tested and improved models of SAHs;
- Conduct CBA (cost-benefit analysis) of SAHs with a focus on their applicability in the
Armenian context.

Qualifications of Key Expert 1
- Education/training (2.2.1): university degree (MSc/PhD) in energy/renewable energy,
energy engineering or other related field
- Specific professional experience (2.2.4): 3 years of professional experience in the
relevant sector in Armenia and/or the region 3 years of professional experience in the
relevant sector in Armenia.

Soft skills of team members
In addition to their specialized qualifications, the following qualifications are required of team members:
- Team skills;
- Pro-activeness and initiative;
- Communication and presentation skills;
- Socio-cultural skills;
- Efficient, partner- and client-focused working methods;
- Interdisciplinary thinking.

Costing requirements and other details can be found in the below attached files.


If you are interested in performing this work, please submit a bid in accordance with the GIZ bidding conditions described below by 11 December 2023, 17:00 (date of receipt at GIZ). Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. Your bid should be submitted electronically.

Electronical offer
Your bid, comprising the technical offer (company’s background, relevant experience, CVs of involved experts etc.) and the financial offer (signed document, including the number of working days of each expert) must be clearly marked as such, and submitted as two separate emails. Please send your bid to: with the following subject line:
- For technical offer with the subject line: 83450619 Technical Offer
- For financial offer with the subject line: 83450619 Financial Offer
All documents must be submitted in PDF format. Please do not put any other recipient in copy.

The technical offer must always be separate from the financial offer. Technical and Financial offers should be submitted in English language.

Financial offer
The proposal package is to be submitted in AMD. The payment will be done in local currency. Tax and customs privileges shall apply to this procurement pursuant to the RA Government Decision 1091-N. Please take this into consideration while preparing
your company’s offer.

Procedural questions
Please address any commercial, technical and procedural questions at an early stage. Questions will be answered if they are received at the latest two working days before the closing of the tender. Questions must be raised in writing by email only to:
Mrs. Kristine Ghambaryan, email:

Evaluation of Offer can be found the the below attached files.

Please clearly mention in your application letter that you learned of this job opportunity through Career Center and mention the URL of its website -, Thanks.


The energy component of ECOserve Programme Armenia, with a focus on rural areas, aims at the promotion of marketable approaches for more efficient use or substitution of fuelwood or dung as a source of heating energy that addresses the specific benefits of women (e.g., indoor air quality, room temperature, fuelwood procurement legality). Improved energy efficiency (EE) in rural households can significantly reduce the use of fuel (fuelwood, dung, etc.) for heating with consequent reduction of forest degradation and energy poverty of the rural population. Alternative solid biofuel from renewable biomass also has the potential to replace fuelwood/dung as heating fuel. In the framework of ECOserve Programme Armenia, a number of studies on rural energy demand, supply and efficiency have been implemented related to the use of fuelwood and dung. Armenia has significant solar energy potential: average annual solar energy flow per square meter of horizontal surface is 1 720 kWh (the European average is 1 000 kWh), and one-quarter of the country’s territory is endowed with solar energy resources of 1 850 kWh/m 2 per year. The Government of Armenia has approved the Energy Sector Development Strategic Programme until 2040. According to the Strategic
Programme, the share of renewable resources, mainly solar, for energy production should be increased by up to 15% in total energy production. After realizing small hydro potential, mostly after 2000, the focus is shifted to solar energy and wind. Armenia is developing solar energy capacity from current 59.57 MW to 1000 MW before 2030, to increase both, green energy share and energy security (at least 15 per cent in 2030 in power generation mix). Wide-scale operation of solar PV systems is currently in progress. As of 1 July 2022, around 102.8 MW of solar PV installations (of up to 5 MW each) were in operation. Another batch of grid-connected PV power plants totaling 176.7 MW are under construction, the largest being the Masrik solar PV station with 55 MW of installed capacity. Moreover, more than 6 940 autonomous electricity producers with 136.1 MW of total installed capacity are connected to the distribution grid.
Although, PV panels are considered most promising source of energy, for average households (HH) in rural areas of Armenia it is still not an easily affordable approach for heating considering relatively big upfront investment for installation. Meanwhile, solar thermal energy has been developing rapidly in Armenia both in public buildings and individual HHs. Thanks to their energy savings and cost-effectiveness, solar water heating (SWH) systems have been widely installed in nurseries, residential homes, and medical facilities through charitable programmes with international funding, as well as in private houses via cash payment or loans with low interest rate by HHs. In particular, SWHs become beneficial for the settlements and HHs with no gas supply and year by year most of the houses in rural settlements are covered with SWHs.
Solar Air Heaters (SAH) have been in use for already more than 15 years in different parts of world, particularly in Canada, US, Australia, Antarctica etc. SAHs are mainly used to contribute to the heating of residential buildings, offices, schools, kindergartens, houses and their basements, camp houses and greenhouses. Such devises are produced by companies working in sphere of heating and cooling systems. Depending on their design and size, SAHs can efficiently contribute to the reduction of heating costs on sunny days during the heating season. The main principle of how such devices work is by collecting solar rays for heating the air. There are three main types of solar air heaters:
- Circulating indoor air by heating (highest efficiency, no air quality balance)
- Circulating indoor air and mixing outdoor air (mid-efficiency, balancing air quality)
- Blowing outdoor heated air into indoor space (low efficiency, air quality balance)
Considering its relatively simple design, low level of maintenance costs, and low level of upfront investment, such devices have potential to be applied in the Armenian context. It is worth exploring the possibilities of using SAH to support the heating both in public buildings and in private houses. As a potentially new product in Armenia, it will require testing and piloting.


file icon 83450619ToRRevised16.11.2023.pdf - ToR file icon 83450619CallForProposals.pdf - Call for Proposals file icon 83450619CallForProposals.docx - Call for Proposals docx file icon 83450619AssessmentGrid.pdf - Assessment Grid file icon 83450619AVBlocalMarch2022AM.pdf - Contract in Armenian file icon 83450619AVBlocalMarch2022EN.pdf - Contract in English


The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. It provides viable, forward-looking solutions for political, ecological and social development in a globalized world. GIZ promotes complex reforms and change processes, often working under difficult conditions.