The Project is one of two components of the larger project "Biodiversity and Sustainable Local development in Armenia" which will be implemented by the Ministry of Environment of Armenia (MoEnv) with financing from the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development though KfW. The duration of the project is 6 years.
The Project aims to strengthen the protection of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources in particularly biodiversity-rich natural areas of Armenia through selected investments in Armenia’s protected areas and protected areas governance system, and to improve the socio-economic situation of the population in the neighboring communities by means of targeted financial support for small scale projects selected through participatory, community-level planning.
WWF Armenia as being contracted as Project Implementation Consultant to support the MoEnv. The role of the WWF Armenia in general terms will be to support the MoEnv by preparing the plans and reports and managing the procedures that are necessary for the proper implementation of the Project and to arrange implementation of Project activities and to supervise and control them. This means in particular: elaborating the details of the Project design; designing and implementing tender processes; project planning, implementation and monitoring; financial management, accounting and monitoring of the proper use of funds; monitoring of the proper delivery of services; progress reporting and conducting of trainings.
WWF AM has assembled a team of experienced Armenian specialists who will plan and arrange implementation of project activities in coordination with the MoEnv, manage procurement, control Project expenditure, manage contracts with service providers and manage disbursement of the KfW grant. WWF AM have also engaged two environmental and social safeguards specialists to prepare and monitor implementation of the Project’s safeguards measures, including an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Community Engagement Planning Framework (CEPF).
Role of the Chief Technical Adviser (CTA)
The CTA will provide strategic direction and oversight of the Project and in so doing will complement the Team Leader’s role of planning and arranging implementation of Project activities. The CTA will support the Team Leader and complement his experience of implementing projects in Armenia by preparing core project documentation and establishing project management procedures, including progress monitoring and reporting. He will also support implementation of specific tasks by contributing his specialist knowledge and international experience of nature protection and sustainable rural development projects.
The CTA’s specific tasks will include:
- Provide strategic advice to the project focusing on aspects such as quality assurance and ensuring compliance with international standards in the field of nature conservation;
- Participate in meetings with MoEnv and other stakeholders, as appropriate;
- Prepare a monitoring plan and lead the regular updating of the monitoring matrix (both for impact monitoring and project activity monitoring);
- Contribute to the preparation of the Project’s operating budget and its regular updating;
- Contribute to the preparation of the Inception Report, which includes e.g. the overall operational plan, activity schedule for the first year, the first procurement plan, etc.; contribute to the preparation of the 6-monthly project progress reports for submission to KfW and the MoEnv and lead the preparation of the financial report of the Project; prepare the final report;
- Prepare the Project’s operational manual, which describes the procedures which WWF AM and the MoEnv have to follow, for example for procurement, procurement and quality assurance of reports, and assigns responsibilities.
- Overall professional experience: More than 20 years of cumulative experience of participating in implementation projects of a similar thematic scope in countries with developing economies or with economies in transition;
- Leadership experience: More than 10 years’ experience of managing projects of similar thematic scope and scale in countries with developing economies or with economies in transition;
- Country experience: More than 5 years of experience in CIS countries;
- Donor experience: More than 5 years of experience of managing projects financed by international organizations, preferably by KfW;
- Languages: Fluency in English; basic knowledge in Armenian and/or Russian would be an asset.
Interested candidates are welcome to submit their CV, and cover letter along with the names and contact details of three former clients or employers who have given their consent to be contacted by WWF Armenia for reference. Please send the above-mentioned information to: *********@***********.***
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The CTA will be contracted for a total of 16 months, scheduled as follows: 4 months in year 1; 3 months in year 2; 2 months in each of years 3, 4 and 5; 3 months in year 6.